Congratulations On Completing
Your Fear and Anxiety Assessment

You are: An Embracer

Congratulations On Completing
Your Fear and Anxiety Assessment

You are: An Embracer

Here's What That Means

You have an unusually healthy relationship with fear/anxiety in that you embrace this emotion as an innate part of life. Not many folks do, so congratulations! As a result, you feel natural levels of fear/anxiety, in proportion to the choices you’ve made.

The only question is then; do you want to make your relationship with fear even more progressive, by becoming intimate with it? This action helps you tap into this amazing resource further, as a way to go to the next level of your development and accomplishment.

Your Assessment

You have a healthy relationship with fear, and thus it never becomes irrational, nor turns into anxiety. Likely for you, it has also transformed into excitement or focus, and no longer shows up like what we associate as fear.

As a result of your progressive and unique relationship with fear, you enjoy excitement, life in general and seek out risk. You know that by taking risks, you expand who you are and continue to grow and learn new things throughout your life. Every day then, becomes an opportunity to learn something new. You enjoy challenge. You see conflict as a chance to grow, and failure as a chance to learn new fascinating things about yourself and how life works. The arguments you have with your loved ones often lead to greater intimacy at the end of every conflict cycle. You may be happy one day and sad the next, and that’s fine. Your health is good, nothing to complain about. If you do have an injury, disease or other physical hold back, you’ve likely done emotional work around the ailment to make sure that the repression of emotions won’t exacerbate it. Sometimes you don’t sleep well but you know things change fast, so it’s likely temporary, and not a big deal.

You have no emotional issues that need your attention, but you took the quiz for a reason. Perhaps that reason is to better understand why a loved one suffers and you don’t.

If this is the case, please enjoy my video titled; What is the Cause of Chronic Anxiety or Irrational Fear.  After 33+ years of dissecting this, being the Hall of Fame best in the world at my sport for 12 years, discovering what works regarding fear and what doesn’t, this video helps you understand the growing fear and anxiety epidemic that others face today. Below it, is also a manual meant for your loved one.

The other reason you took the quiz may be; you want to go to the next level of your development with fear and other emotions, so you can feel more alive, vulnerable and deeply connected to what matters most.

If so, keep reading for more information about you personally.

Tips + Steps You Can Take Now

  • The key for you, is to continue taking risks whenever you’re ready to grow to the next level of your potential.

  • Ask yourself then, every day; am I in the mood for fear? On the days that you answer yes, simply go out and do something that scares you.

  • Now, that doesn’t mean climbing the Eiffel Tower using a couple of suction cups! It could just mean having a difficult conversation that you’ve been putting off. Skiing a little faster this run. Wearing clothing that’s not ‘you’ to see how it feels.

  • The other thing is, you may be drawn to perhaps a gratitude, love, forgiveness or mindfulness practice. All good stuff. This I call: building your castle. Be sure though, not to forget about the foundation, which should be a constant maintenance priority.

  • Maintaining a strong foundation comes from ongoing shadow work. Which is the exploration of; what dark shadow am I casting that everyone can see, that I can’t see, that if owned would set me free?

  • If you avoid shadow work in favor of only building your castle, when bad things happen (I call them storms), your castle collapses. So please, continue to be aware of, and work on your shadow.

  • Shadow work centers around fear. Beneath anger is fear. Beneath jealousy is fear. Same with blame, unworthiness, powerlessness, self-criticism, frustration, and more. Beneath these states, always you find fear. Which is why I recommend starting a Fear practice, as it covers it all.

  • Fear practice though, is possibly different than what you’re imagining. It’s not about overcoming, fighting or letting go of that fear like were taught, because that’s not possible. Those actions put you in a battle with this core emotion and ultimately creates your shadow around it.

  • Instead, Fear practice starts by asking yourself; what’s my current relationship with emotional discomfort ? And; am I still in flow with this natural emotion called fear, and thus in flow with my life?

  • Such questions allow you to stay aware of your fear, which is beneath all your experiences at all times, always affecting your life. This awareness negates its shadow, and instead helps you tap into its percolating energy, wisdom and aliveness.

  • Find a way then, to cultivate an ongoing, honest, inquisitive relationship with fear, so you can have the same with yourself.

  • This translates into greater strength, laser focus, integrity, better relationships, better sleep, greater productivity, more confidence, clarity to make great decisions, authenticity and more. You also remain willing to take risks, which leads to growth and learning.

  • Fear practice solidifies your foundation, so that your castle never collapses, no matter the storm.

It's Time to Further Enhance Your Emotional Future

Today’s the day you stop leaving any future potential behind. Because you embrace fear in even one area of your life, this means you embrace your self at your core, and also embrace the very nature of life itself. Great stuff!

First then, let’s help you stay that way.

Second, from here it’s not a big step to next become intimate with fear. This allows you be intimate with your self at your core and intimate with all that life has to offer, including other emotions, other people and your higher self.

Hint: It was the very thing that made me the best in the world at my sport for an astounding 12 years in a row. Imagine now, what it can also offer you.

Course Sample

Take a Look Under the Hood

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How To Accomplish This

If you continue to emotionally learn and grow, you become unstoppable

With you in mind, I created a list of 100 questions to ask yourself whenever you want to break free from operating in shadow, get back into emotional flow, and tap into your emotional resources so you can be magnificent out there.

So, if you want to make your foundation stronger every day, take advantage of my 33+ years of experience boiled down to 100 of the most important and fascinating questions you ever ask yourself. Spend time with them whenever you want to wake up to what you’re really feeling. Use them to clear your head. Use them to feel moved and inspired by what you feel in an honest and profound way.

With these, you access and accentuate the wisdom of your fear in order to feel more motivated and alive. They are your new Fear practice. You also access the wisdom of your sadness to guide you in caring and compassion, for yourself and others. You access the wisdom of your anger to ignite new passions. You connect deeply with joy or your sexuality and have it be authentically celebrated and available to you. You even connect with all forms of intelligence, beyond the personal. All this and more, whenever you spend time with these questions.

Also turn these questions into a beautiful practice you have with your partner, children, parents, friends or colleagues to enhance a deeper understanding of each other, leading to greater vulnerability and connection.

So, take advantage now. And be so glad you did. Offered today only for a deep discount (a reward for taking the quiz!), take your already great habits and make them even better with 100 of the greatest questions you ever ask yourself. These are key to helping you be intimate and in flow with all that your emotional life has to offer.

Buy Now!

Don’t Wait On This,Get Started Today

*Note: this assessment is not medically supported or science based. It comes from Kristen’s experience working with tens of thousands of clients. This Web site and assessment is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, medical or other professional services. If legal or medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.